General Surgery at William Harvey Hospital

Welcome to the General Surgery Department at William Harvey Hospital. We run both Colorectal and Benign Upper GI services as well as maintaining a busy emergency component. There is a multitude of learning opportunities available that we hope you benefit from. This ranges from publications, research, audit, surgical prize evenings, leadership roles and the widespread operative opportunities.
For the Higher Surgical Trainees and Core Trainees, we will meet in the first few weeks of your rotation to review your portfolio and highlight the key aspects you wish to attain from your rotation to try to ensure you meet the training requirements for your particular grade and interests. This will encompass both operative and non-operative requirements such as audits and research.
I meet with each grade on a monthly basis to identify any issues that have arisen. In this manner, it is hoped that improvements or solutions could be implemented in a timely fashion.
The rota will be emailed to you prior to the start of your rotation, and I would urge you to kindly let us know the dates of any training days, study leave, annual leave etc so this could be incorporated into the rota. I hope you enjoy your time at the trust and should you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Mr Roland Fernandes
Junior Doctor Surgical lead/Consultant UGI and General Surgeon
Induction slides are available in this document

Mr Basnyat, Colorectal Surgeon
Miss Cooke, Colorectal Surgeon
Mr Aravind, Colorectal Surgeon
Mr Basu, Upper GI Surgeon
Mr Fernandes, Upper GI Surgeon
Mr Allu, Colorectal Surgeon
Mr Shrestha, Colorectal Surgeon
Mr Shah, Upper GI Surgeon
Mr Imtiaz, Colorectal Surgeon
Mr Harinath, Colorectal Surgeon
BAM: Tina Barnard
Ext: 723 6712Rota Co-ord: Jennie Hariri
Ext: 723 8067Medical Education Administrator: Danielle Bruce
Ext: 722 3018
The Doctors' Mess, located on the ground floor of the hospital next to the canteen is the social hub of the William Harvey Hospital. It is equipped with leather sofas, pool table, SKY TV, computer and telephone, and is always kept well stocked up with tea, coffee and snacks. A great place to relax with other doctors on your breaks from the wards!
The Doctors' Mess is run by a number of F1 doctors, and we also put on a range of events for doctors to socialize both inside and outside of the hospital. Past events have included lunchtime pizzas, monthly payday parties (with a generous Mess bar tab), Christmas dinner, a Ceilidh, a trip to Bruges and a summer ball!
Membership is £10 per month and allows you full access to the Mess and all its events which we hope will make your time working at the William Harvey Hospital all the more enjoyable! Membership is £10 month and allows you full access to the Mess and all of its events.
Internal Courses
East Kent Hospital run a variety of surgical courses every year. There is also equipment including laparoscopic trainers and suturing kits in every centre which is available for trainees to use.
Laparoscopic Box Trainers
The Education Centre at William Harvey Hospital has recently purchased several laparoscopic box trainers for laparoscopic skill training. It is hoped that the box trainers will give an opportunity to staff and medical students to practice both basic and advanced laparoscopic skills in a controlled and safe environment with consultant teaching if desired. Anyone who wishes to use these facilities or would like laparoscopic teaching are advised to contact or
Basic Surgical Skills Course
The Basic Surgical Skills Course is currently held at Kent and Canterbury Hospital twice a year with space for 14 participants. Please go to for more information and the next courses available or contact
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Course
The William Harvey Hospital held its first Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy course in July 2019 in the education centre at William Harvey Hospital with Registrars from across the deanery attending.
The first day incorporated lectures, videos and tips on the procedure by Mr Fernandes, Mr Basu and Mr Shrestha. Delegates were also able to practice on sheep gallbladders that were specially acquired for the course. It also provided an opportunity for the delegates to practice on the new Laparoscopic Box Trainers in the Education Centre.
The second day involved live operating under the tutorage of Mr Basu and Mr Fernandes.
Feedback obtained from the delegates revealed how useful they felt the course was in improving their confidence and skills in the procedure. The self-assessment data was collated and used to formulate an abstract highlighting the benefits of such a hands-on course, which has been accepted at the Association of Upper GI Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland 2019 Conference.
The William Harvey Hospital holds a yearly surgical awards evening with the following categories:
Case report
Research and Audit presentation
The posters can be viewed online here