SAS Doctors
Welcome to the Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors page. We have 158 SAS Doctors working within our Trust across all specialties and along with the consultants form the permanent medical workforce.
The Faculty, led by SAS Tutor Mr Adrian Simoes (email, offers ample opportunities for professional development, career progression and developmental funding to support SAS Doctors within the Trust.
The Faculty also has strong links with Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEKSS) and along with Health Education London now form the new Health Education London and South East (HELaSE).
For more information, contact our SAS Administrator Catherine Kidd (email or Rags Subramaniam, Directorate Services (Operations) and Medical Education Manager (email
The process of ‘revalidation’ was introduced by the GMC on 3 December 2012. All licensed doctors are required to revalidate every five years. This process requires doctors to have regular appraisals with their employer based on the core guidance for doctors by the General Medical Council, Good Medical Practice. The appraisal process offers doctors further enhancement of their role as clinicians as well as to embark on other roles such as medical education, research, leadership, service improvements as well as being an appraiser.
The GMC provides guidance on appraisals here including separate documents for:
Good Medical practice Framework for Appraisal
Supporting information for appraisal and revalidation
For more information please contact Maria Asperilla, Revalidation Officer, email:
Our Trust offers a regular series of workshops, induction programmes, and other events relevant to SAS doctors (details of which will be posted here when applicable). A list of external courses can be found on the HEKSS site.
Self Compassion Workshop - 3 CPD points
By the end of this programme, delegates can:
Build Strengths at Work with Mindful Self-Compassion
Be more Mindful at Work
Start to befriend ourselves
Discover your compassionate Voice
Increase Values-Based Working
Build Emotional Agility
Enhance Empathy and Inner Resilience
Click the poster below for more information:
The Anti-coagulation champion workshop Meeting is on the 15th October from 17:00-19:30.The meeting is being held on site at the 3 postgrad centres at William Harvey (Lecture Theatre), Kent and Canterbury Hospital (Harvey Hall) and QEQM (Lecture Theatre) hospitals.
However, the meeting will also be broadcast via a remote platform so delegates can view from the postgrad centres across East Kent Trust or via a link sent by email
Postgraduate seating is on a first come first served basis – delegates need to reply via email naming their preferred location.
All attendees will need to sign the register to obtain their certificate of attendance.
SAS Training Grant Fund
Before you apply you must take into consideration that this funding MUST be accessed, attended and all expenses claimed for by March 31st 2021. As from this year, there are absolutely no extensions to this period and rule, despite when the funding may become available, if this funding is not spent, the money will be returned to HEE, this is unfortunately outside of our control. Please be aware that following the approval process, the money may not be available until October/November 2020.
Please therefore identify courses that can be attended within this timeframe, ensure that you complete all the sections within the funding form and obtain the necessary signatures as soon as possible. Please remember, HEKSS does not approve overseas courses.
When completed please return the form to Catherine Kidd.
SAS Doctors ES Supervisor Project
In view of the establishment of the local medical school in Kent (KMMS: Kent & Medway Medical School), the Trust is keen to be a key participant in the delivery of the undergraduate medical education and training for the students commencing in September 2022/3.
The Trust SAS Faculty is planning to launch a pilot clinical teaching and educational supervisor programme for a dozen of our SAS Doctors as a pilot cohort, and if successful, there will be further opportunities made available for other aspiring SAS doctors.
This programme requires a commitment of 3 full days of skill based workshops for effective clinical teaching followed by 2 further days for educational supervision which will take place at the RCP, London. This Programme is fully funded by the Trust. On successful completion of the full programme you will be assigned students from KCL initially, and then from KMMS. The full 5 days will need to be taken from your study leave entitlement.
If you have any queries, please contact Catherine Kidd.
See the Senior Study Leave section on the Study Leave page for How-to guides, policies, and forms for requesting Study Leave.
The Trust takes its commitment to the SAS Doctors Charter seriously. Download the SAS Charter for England (courtesy of the BMA website).
The application window for allocation of the SAS Doctors Developmental funds is now closed.
For more information on funding see the HEKSS page on Development Funding Guidance.
SAS Doctors Development Guide(BMA)
SAS Doctors who are involved in teaching or supervising trainee doctors should visit our Trainer Resources page to find useful information.
HEEKSS Reasonable Adjustments Workshop Evaluation Report - September 2018
The findings from a series of workshops supporting healthcare professionals to make adjustments for people with learning disabilities.
Stepping Up Programme - Applications now open
Nearly 20% of the 1.3 million people working in the NHS are from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. Without them the NHS wouldn’t be able to function, so it’s really important that diverse talent is nurtured and developed.
Applications for our Stepping Up programme are now open for BAME leaders and aspiring leaders working at bands 5 to 7.
The programme is fully funded by the NHS Leadership Academy and designed for individuals interested in developing their leadership abilities to help them grow and progress into more senior roles. It helps to create a transformational change in equality and diversity across the health and care sector.
Please share this information with your BAME colleagues in the appropriate bands and encourage them to apply.
For more information, download our line manager guide, email or visit our website.
The winners of the Best SAS Teacher / Trainer Award for 2018-2019 were (for each site):
Goran Milosavljevic, K&CH
Muhaned Qulaghassi, QEQM
Ahmad Al Kazwini, WHH