Careers Advice
The aim of this section is to signpost you to the best people and resources to guide and support you with your medical career choices.
The diagram below offers an overview of the structure and timeline for medical careers in the UK. You can find out more information about the different stages and career options within this structure from the Health Careers Website.

Where to go for careers advice and support
Within the Trust you can speak with your Foundation Programme Lead, Educational Supervisor or Carla Wearing, Medical Career Lead Ext 722 4355.
If you feel that you are reaching a critical career decision and would like the opportunity to explore your ideas with a career expert, the HEE’s Careers Unit for London and South East may be able to assist.
Their career experts can help you to:
Consider what is important to you when making choices about your future career
Explore the options that may be available to you
Weigh up all the factors to reach a decision
Consider the steps you need to take to realise your goals
Whether you are in Foundation or Specialist training take a look at their website and apply today for free, confidential, impartial and individual careers support.
In addition there is a Coaching Service which provides 1:1 coaching support and is particularly designed to help trainees and learners in challenging situations that could prevent them from getting the most from their careers. This service is confidential and free.
Career planning e-learning module for Foundation Doctors
The London and South East (LaSE) Careers Unit has developed a four stage career planning module for foundation doctors in partnership with e-learning for Healthcare.
This e-learning course has been designed to support Foundation doctors in making their career decisions about specialty choice. We encourage you to use it during FY1 year and to support you during the process of making post foundation career decisions.
Foundation doctors can register at:
Select My account
Select Enrolment
Scroll down to Regional e-learning
Select LaSE - Career Planning for Healthcare Professionals and select Save
There is a downloadable workbook to accompany each of the four stages and can be used to record leaning and reflections throughout the process.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything arising from the module, you can contact your educational supervisor, training programme director or Carla Wearing, Medical Careers Lead for the Trust:
Health Education England have announced the launch of a pilot programme offering a confidential and safe space where doctors can share ideas, questions and insights, learn from each other and from the course facilitators, and generally explore effective approaches for preparing for challenging transitions, managing change, and finding balance. For more details download the flyer (right) or visit our news page.
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CVs and applications
Interview tips
Health and Wellbeing
Open days and events