Support for Return to Training (SuppoRTT) and Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT)/Flexible Working
In East Kent we’re committed to providing pastoral support to our doctors to help them reach their full potential and feel supported in their training needs. Our local consultant champion, Mr Jalal Maryosh, is able to provide further advice and guidance on:
Support for Return to Training (SuppoRTT) – return to training after a period of absence
Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT)/flexible working – working and training less than full time
Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)
Increasing numbers of trainees are taking a period of absence from training and there has been an increasing recognition that returning to training can be daunting after a long period of absence, without a re-introduction period, can be damaging to both a trainee, affecting an individual’s confidence and potentially impacting on patient safety.
In recognition of this HEE developed an programme aimed at removing the disadvantages to trainees taking time out of training. SuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training) has been developed to assist trainees returning to training after a period of absence/time out of training - whether it be from maternity/parental leave, long-term sickness/health issues, career breaks, out-of-programme etc. SuppoRTT can be accessed by trainees planning on being absent for 3 months or more and aims to provide bespoke, individualised plans to enhance confidence and skills when returning to training. The following video explains more:
SuppoRTT video -

Further information and application process
Further information and criteria for applying for Pre-absence and Pre-Return SuppoRTT including funding available to support return to training, can be found on the HEKSS website -
Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT)/Flexible Working
Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT) is in place with the aim to keep trainees in training where full-time training is not practical for individual/personal reasons. This assists with work/life balance and supports trainees who may wish to train part-time, whilst aiming to remain as close as possible to arrangements for trainees working full-time with only the difference of taking longer to complete training.
More information on criteria, process and how to submit an application, including FAQs can be found on the HEKSS website -